This post was updated on .
Icecast is a audio stream server. It can deal Opus files encapsulated in Ogg format. Opus files can be encoded for voip (voice over ip) or for web-radios (sound over ip). To communicate with IceCast, libshout and his fpc header will be used. Today we will install and test the server on Unix 64 bit systems. 1) Installing IceCast + - Linux : # sudo apt-get install icecast2 # sudo apt-get install libshout3 - FreeBSD : # sudo pkg install icecast2 # sudo pkg install shout 2) Downloading libshout fpc header + demo from here: Uncompress it somewhere. 3) Testing the audio server on localhost: # cd /directory/of/shout_demo # sudo uos_icecast2 start // for linux # sudo uos_icecast2_freebsd start // for freebsd If connection is ok, you may check it that way: In your favorite web-browser, enter as url: http://localhost:8000 Enter login: admin password: hackme This should load the IceCast Status page. Now run the fpc demo opus_shout_demo.pas to assign a mount-point on the server: # cd /directory/of/shout_demo # fpc opus_shout_demo.pas # ./opus_shout_demo If all ok, in the IceCast Status web-page, after refresh, a new mount-point will be added. Congratulations, your IceCast server is working and you have assigned your first mount-point. Fre;D |
This post was updated on .
Hello the link does not work .
Can this solution work under widows too ? I can see libshout-64 only under Linux and Freebsd ... Thanks |
Hello and welcome to uos forum.
>Hello the link does not work . Indeed, google site has removed the site and sadly I dont have copy of the shout-demo. ![]() The demo dates from 2017 and I dont have worked with shout form this time. Also now I cannot re-jump into it because I dont have a machine to do the server. To enable compilation of uos using shout, you need to uncomment in that line: {$DEFINE shout} // uncomment to enable IceCast-Shout audio web server. Sorry, I cannot help anymore for shout, it should work for Windows too but only my first post of this forum could help. Good luck. |
Finally I found a copy of shout-demo. There is indeed only the libraries of Linux and FreeBSD included but for windows it should be easy to find the dll in internet |
Thank you . I have tested the
uos_AddIntoIceServer function i made a connection with the icecast server but i get no sound Icecast status says ... total_bytes_read 154093 total_bytes_sent 0 <------- user_agent libshout/2.4.6 I think that has to do with the buffer size I am trying setlength(StreamOut[x].Data.Buffer, 960 * StreamOut[x].Data.Channels ); //960 but still i can transmit but not receive Thanks in advance |
Hello here is a demo of broadcasting an OGG file to an icecast server (i have tested it on listen2myradio) ******************************* program opus_shout_demo; //TrustFm //Based on // //Tested with {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Classes, ctypes, uos_shout; var ordir : string; err : integer = -1; major:cint; minor:cint; patch:cint; shhandle :shout_t = nil; read, total : cint ; ret: integer; strm: TFileStream; fnam: string; buff : array [0..4096-1] of byte; begin ordir := IncludeTrailingBackslash(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))); {$if defined(linux)} if sh_Load(ordir + '') = true {$else} if sh_Load(ordir + '') = true {$endif} then begin WriteLn('libshout loaded'); err := 0 ; end else WriteLn(ordir + '' + 'libshout not loaded') ; if err = 0 then begin WriteLn('libshout version: '+ pchar(shout_version(major, minor, patch))); shout_init(); shhandle := shout_new(); if assigned(shhandle) then begin WriteLn('shhandle assigned'); err := shout_set_host(shhandle, pchar('IP')); if err = SHOUTERR_SUCCESS then WriteLn('shout_set_host OK. Error: ' + inttostr(err)) else WriteLn('shout_set_host error: ' + pchar(shout_get_error(shhandle))); err := shout_set_protocol(shhandle, SHOUT_PROTOCOL_HTTP); if err = SHOUTERR_SUCCESS then WriteLn('shout_set_protocol OK. Error: ' + inttostr(err)) else WriteLn('shout_set_protocol error: ' + pchar(shout_get_error(shhandle))); err := shout_set_port(shhandle, PORT); if err = SHOUTERR_SUCCESS then WriteLn('shout_set_port OK. Error: ' + inttostr(err)) else WriteLn('shout_set_port error: ' + pchar(shout_get_error(shhandle))); err := shout_set_password(shhandle, pchar('PASS')); if err = SHOUTERR_SUCCESS then WriteLn('set_password OK. Error: ' + inttostr(err)) else WriteLn('set_password error: ' + pchar(shout_get_error(shhandle))); err := shout_set_mount(shhandle, pchar('/stream')); //mountpoint if err = SHOUTERR_SUCCESS then WriteLn('shout_set_mount OK. Error: ' + inttostr(err)) else WriteLn('shout_set_mount error: ' + pchar(shout_get_error(shhandle))); err := shout_set_user(shhandle, pchar('source')); //source if err = SHOUTERR_SUCCESS then WriteLn('shout_set_user OK. Error: ' + inttostr(err)) else WriteLn('shout_set_user error: ' + pchar(shout_get_error(shhandle))); err := shout_set_format(shhandle, SHOUT_FORMAT_OGG ); //SHOUT_FORMAT_MP3 - SHOUT_FORMAT_OGG if err = SHOUTERR_SUCCESS then WriteLn('shout_set_format OK. Error: ' + inttostr(err)) else WriteLn('shout_set_format error: ' + pchar(shout_get_error(shhandle))); err := shout_open(shhandle); if err = SHOUTERR_SUCCESS then begin WriteLn('shout_open OK. Error: ' + inttostr(err)); end else begin WriteLn('shout_open error: ' + pchar(shout_get_error(shhandle))); end; WriteLn('Press Enter to stop and quit.'); total := 0; fnam:=ordir + '03.ogg'; strm := TFileStream.Create(fnam, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); strm.position := 0; repeat WriteLn(inttostr (sizeof(buff))); read := strm.Read(buff,sizeof(buff)); if (read > 0) then begin ret := shout_send(shhandle, buff, read); if (ret <> SHOUTERR_SUCCESS) then begin WriteLn('shout_open error: ' + pchar(shout_get_error(shhandle))); break; end; end else begin break; end; WriteLn('delay is :' + inttostr(shout_delay(shhandle)) ); shout_sync(shhandle); WriteLn('Position :' + inttostr (strm.Position) ); until strm.Position>=strm.Size; readln(); shout_free(shhandle); shout_shutdown; strm.Free; end else begin WriteLn('shhandle not assigned') ; end; end; end. ******************************** Now i will try broadcast a stream encoding with opus The uos_AddIntoIceServer function does not work for me . I have found that might a ogg container is needed for the stream |
WoW, congratulations!
![]() Sadly I dont have a machine to test this, but will study your code deeply. Many thanks. |
Hello ! I managed to make an ogg streamer based on your libshout bindings .
Below are some changes that i have made to your lib at uos_libsndfile //by TrustFm const SFC_GET_CURRENT_SF_INFO = $1002; SFC_SET_VBR_ENCODING_QUALITY = $1300; SFC_SET_COMPRESSION_LEVEL = $1301; SFC_SET_BITRATE_MODE = $1305; SF_BITRATE_MODE_CONSTANT = 800; //Constant bitrate. SF_BITRATE_MODE_AVERAGE = 801; //Average bitrate. SF_BITRATE_MODE_VARIABLE = 802; //Variable bitrate. Also changed //TrustFm //var // sf_command_double: function(sndfile: TSNDFILE_HANDLE; command: ctypes.cint; // var Data: double; datasize: ctypes.cint): ctypes.cint; cdecl; var sf_command_double: function(sndfile: TSNDFILE_HANDLE; command: ctypes.cint; var Data: ctypes.cdouble; datasize: ctypes.cint): ctypes.cint; cdecl; **************************** at uos function Tuos_Player.AddIntoFile (Filenamepath: PChar; SampleRate: CDouble; Channels: cint32; SampleFormat: cint32; FramesCount: cint32; FileFormat: cint32): cint32; // Add an Output into audio wav file with custom parameters // FileName : filename of saved audio wav file // SampleRate : default: -1 (44100) // Channels : default: -1 (2:stereo) (0: no channels, 1:mono, 2:stereo, ...) // SampleFormat : default: -1 (2:Int16) ( 1:Int32, 2:Int16) // FramesCount : default: -1 (= 4096) // FileFormat : default: -1 (wav) (0:wav, 1:pcm, 2:custom, 3:ogg); // result : Output Index in array -1 = error // example : OutputIndex1 := AddIntoFile (edit5.Text,-1,-1, 0, -1, -1); var x: cint32; wChunkSize: cint32; wFileSize: cint32; IDwav: array[0..3] of char; Header: Tuos_WaveHeaderChunk; {$IF DEFINED (sndfile)} sfInfo: TSF_INFO; {$endif} //TrustFm vbr_encoding_quality: ctypes.cdouble; compression_level: ctypes.cdouble; bitrate_mode: ctypes.cint; res_sf_command: ctypes.cint; begin result := -1; x := 0; SetLength (StreamOut, Length (StreamOut) + 1); StreamOut[Length (StreamOut) - 1] := Tuos_OutStream.Create (); x := Length (StreamOut) - 1; StreamOut[x].Data.Enabled := false; StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.ERROR := 0; StreamOut[x].Data.Filename := filenamepath; if (FileFormat = -1) or (FileFormat = 0) then StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.FileFormat := 0 else StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.FileFormat := FileFormat; FillChar (StreamOut[x].FileBuffer, sizeof (StreamOut[x].FileBuffer), 0); result := x; if (Channels = -1) then StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wChannels := 2 else StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wChannels := Channels; StreamOut[x].Data.Channels := StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wChannels; if FramesCount = -1 then StreamOut[x].Data.Wantframes := 65536 Div StreamOut[x].Data.Channels else StreamOut[x].Data.Wantframes := FramesCount; SetLength (StreamOut[x].Data.Buffer, StreamOut[x].Data.Wantframes*StreamOut[x].Data.Channels); if (SampleFormat = -1) or (SampleFormat = 2) then begin StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wBitsPerSample := 16; StreamOut[x].Data.SampleFormat := 2; end; if (SampleFormat = 1) then begin StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wBitsPerSample := 32; StreamOut[x].Data.SampleFormat := 1; end; if (SampleFormat = 0) then begin StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wBitsPerSample := 32; StreamOut[x].Data.SampleFormat := 0; end; if SampleRate = -1 then StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wSamplesPerSec := 44100 //8000 11025 16000 22050 was 44100 else StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wSamplesPerSec := roundmath (samplerate); StreamOut[x].Data.Samplerate := StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wSamplesPerSec; StreamOut[x].LoopProc := Nil; if fileformat = 3 then begin // ogg file {$IF DEFINED (sndfile)} StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.FileFormat := 3; StreamOut[x].Data.TypePut := 6; sfInfo.format := SF_FORMAT_OGG Or SF_FORMAT_VORBIS; //SF_FORMAT_OGG Or SF_FORMAT_VORBIS; sfInfo.channels := StreamOut[x].Data.Channels; sfInfo.frames := streamOut[x].Data.Wantframes; sfinfo.samplerate := StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wSamplesPerSec; sfinfo.seekable := 0; //seekable was 0 StreamOut[x].Data.Enabled := true; StreamOut[x].Data.HandleSt := sf_open (pchar(FileNamepath), SFM_WRITE, sfInfo); //TrustFm // //Set the Variable Bit Rate encoding quality. //The encoding quality value should be between 0.0 (lowest quality) and 1.0 (highest quality). //Currently this command is only implemented for FLAC and Ogg/Vorbis files. //It has no effect on un-compressed file formats. vbr_encoding_quality:=0.1; res_sf_command:=-1; res_sf_command := sf_command_pointer(StreamOut[x].Data.HandleSt, SFC_SET_VBR_ENCODING_QUALITY, @vbr_encoding_quality, sizeof(vbr_encoding_quality) ); if res_sf_command = SF_TRUE then begin compression_level:=1.0; end else if res_sf_command = SF_FALSE then begin compression_level:=1.0; end; //Set the compression level. //The compression level should be between 0.0 (minimum compression level) and 1.0 (highest compression level). //Currently this command is only implemented for FLAC and Ogg/Vorbis files. //It has no effect on uncompressed file formats. compression_level:=1.0;//was1.0 res_sf_command:=-1; res_sf_command := sf_command_pointer(StreamOut[x].Data.HandleSt, SFC_SET_COMPRESSION_LEVEL, @compression_level, sizeof(compression_level) ); if res_sf_command = SF_TRUE then begin //SF_TRUE compression_level:=1.0; end else if res_sf_command = SF_FALSE then begin //SF_FALSE compression_level:=1.0; end; { //Set bitrate mode. SFC_GET_BITRATE_MODE was added for MP3 support //The bitrate mode is one of: //SF_BITRATE_MODE_CONSTANT 800 Constant bitrate. //SF_BITRATE_MODE_AVERAGE 801 Average bitrate. //SF_BITRATE_MODE_VARIABLE 802 Variable bitrate. bitrate_mode:=SF_BITRATE_MODE_CONSTANT; res_sf_command:=-1; res_sf_command := sf_command_pointer(StreamOut[x].Data.HandleSt, SFC_SET_BITRATE_MODE, @bitrate_mode, SizeOf(bitrate_mode) ); if res_sf_command = SF_TRUE then begin //SF_TRUE compression_level:=1.0; end else if res_sf_command = SF_FALSE then begin //SF_FALSE compression_level:=1.0; end; } {$endif} end else begin // wav file StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.Data := TFileStream.Create (filenamepath,fmCreate); StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.Data.Seek (0, soFromBeginning); StreamOut[x].Data.TypePut := 0; IDwav := 'RIFF'; StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.Data.WriteBuffer (IDwav, 4); wFileSize := 0; StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.Data.WriteBuffer (wFileSize, 4); IDwav := 'WAVE'; StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.Data.WriteBuffer (IDwav, 4); IDwav := 'fmt '; StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.Data.WriteBuffer (IDwav, 4); wChunkSize := SizeOf (Header); StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.Data.WriteBuffer (wChunkSize, 4); case SampleFormat of 0: Header.wFormatTag := 3; else Header.wFormatTag := 1; end; //Header.wFormatTag := 1; Header.wChannels := StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wChannels; Header.wSamplesPerSec := StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wSamplesPerSec; Header.wBitsPerSample := StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wBitsPerSample; Header.wBlockAlign := StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wChannels * Header.wBitsPerSample Div 8; Header.wAvgBytesPerSec := StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.wSamplesPerSec * Header.wBlockAlign; Header.wcbSize := 0; StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.Data.WriteBuffer (Header, SizeOf (Header)); IDwav := 'data'; StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.Data.WriteBuffer (IDwav, 4); wChunkSize := 0; StreamOut[x].FileBuffer.Data.WriteBuffer (wChunkSize, 4); StreamOut[x].Data.Enabled := True; end; end; ************************* finally at uos_shout shout_set_metadata: function(shhandle :Pshout_t; metadata:Pshout_metadata_t):cint;cdecl; //TrustFm var metadata:shout_metadata_t shout_metadata_new: function():Pshout_metadata_t;cdecl; shout_metadata_free: procedure(shhandle:Pshout_metadata_t);cdecl; //TrustFm var shhandle:shout_metadata_t shout_metadata_add: function(shhandle:Pshout_metadata_t; name:pchar; value:pchar):cint;cdecl; //TrustFm var shhandle:shout_metadata_t I will come with a demo based on these modded files The demo streams OGG and can be set the quality and the compression level |
If, by chance you have a Github account, it will be wonderful to do a pull-request to uos with your modifs + add a demo in examples folder. If you dont have a Github account, you could upload here in uos forum the zipped files of your modifs (button More/Upload a file.) Also if you agree, give your name or nick-name so I can add you in uos-contibutors. Once again, big wow and many thanks. Fre;D |
Yes i will just give me a couple of yours to clean up the code
Ok i am back
Here is the link The broadcaster trasmitts OGG into an icecast server like listen2myradio or I lowered the bitrate in order to fit casterfm limitations Some documentation { Made By TrustFm Icecast does not accept silence streams so interupts the stream between two songs. The uos_AddIntoIceServer (opus) solution did not worked with me (no sound after transmission). Solution : Step 1) Create a Noise Player and play in Loop id:0-1 (so icecast does not interupts) silence-white-noise-amp-00001-10sec.ogg (not audible) or silence-white-noise-amp-01-10sec.ogg (audible for bug-fixing) Step 2)Create an OGG recorder PlayerRecorder id:2 Step 3)Create a OGG broadcaster reading from the Recorded file } You can add and use as you like the code . I am working on a larger project that needed this feature. NOTICE : BUTT does not work with OGG + icecast if detects silence disconnects from the server . The demo works :) The part uos_AddIntoIceServer if it is changed just ignore it i was testing without any luck |
In reply to this post by fredvs
Many thanks.
I will study your code asap. |
No problem you can use the code as you wish . I forgot to mention that it is a CodeTyphon project but can be converted in Lazarus easily
Hum, if I translate it, it would be using MSEgui, much better to deal with all audio stuffs (LCL "eats" audio latency).
![]() |
Maybe it could interest you, web-player that can deal with mp3 or acc format: It uses uos and MSEgui. |
Wow ! thanks . I am not familiar with MSEgui .
Nice to see we have a lot of FreePascal options my projects can be found at Question > i have tried to make a simple VU meter like your SimplePlayer example but for the recorder . I couldnt make it to work. I added the InLoop fuction but does not work ... |
Maybe take a look how it is done in SWP :
Or from the recorder of StrumPract: Without code I cannot help more. |
Thank you i had to enable (forgot
![]() uos_InputSetPositionEnable uos_InputSetLevelEnable ******************** // set position calculation (default is 1) // InputIndex : InputIndex of existing input // 0 => no calcul // 1 => calcul position. uos_InputSetPositionEnable (PlayerRecorderIndex, PlayerRecorderInputIndex,1); // set level calculation (default is 0) // InputIndex : InputIndex of existing input // 0 => no calcul // 1 => calcul before all DSP procedures. // 2 => calcul after all DSP procedures. // 3 => calcul before and after all DSP procedures. uos_InputSetLevelEnable(PlayerRecorderIndex, PlayerRecorderInputIndex, 2); //now calculate current position and Level volume in loop uos_LoopProcIn(PlayerRecorderIndex, PlayerRecorderInputIndex, @LoopProcPlayerRec); |
Indeed, by default calculation is disabled (not needed for "only playing").
This post was updated on .
Hello i managed to port the example in widows i had two problems to solve
1)shoutlib for windows that can be found here The pacakes from here did not worked i have load them successfully (all the dependancies) but when i transmit the program crashes ... ********************* //TrustFm function sh_Load(const libogg,libvorbis,libvorbisenc,libvorbisfile,libwinpthread,libshout :string) :boolean; begin Result := False; if sh_Handle<>0 then begin Inc(ReferenceCounter); result:=true {is it already there ?} end else begin {go & load the library} if Length(libshout) = 0 then exit; sh_Handle:=DynLibs.SafeLoadLibrary(libogg); sh_Handle:=DynLibs.SafeLoadLibrary(libvorbis); sh_Handle:=DynLibs.SafeLoadLibrary(libvorbisenc); sh_Handle:=DynLibs.SafeLoadLibrary(libvorbisfile); sh_Handle:=DynLibs.SafeLoadLibrary(libwinpthread); sh_Handle:=DynLibs.SafeLoadLibrary(libshout); if sh_Handle <> DynLibs.NilHandle then begin {now we tie the functions to the VARs from above} Pointer(shout_init):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_init')); Pointer(shout_shutdown):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_shutdown')); Pointer(shout_version):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_version')); Pointer(shout_new):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_new')); Pointer(shout_free):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_free')); Pointer(shout_get_error):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_error')); Pointer(shout_get_errno):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_errno')); Pointer(shout_get_connected):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_connected')); Pointer(shout_set_host):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_host')); Pointer(shout_get_host):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_host')); Pointer(shout_set_port):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_port')); Pointer(shout_get_port):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_port')); Pointer(shout_set_agent):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_agent')); Pointer(shout_get_agent):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_agent')); Pointer(shout_set_tls):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_tls')); Pointer(shout_get_tls):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_tls')); Pointer(shout_set_ca_directory):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_ca_directory')); Pointer(shout_get_ca_directory):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_ca_directory')); Pointer(shout_set_ca_file):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_ca_file')); Pointer(shout_get_ca_file):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_ca_file')); Pointer(shout_set_allowed_ciphers):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_allowed_ciphers')); Pointer(shout_get_allowed_ciphers):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_allowed_ciphers')); Pointer(shout_set_user):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_user')); Pointer(shout_get_user):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_user')); Pointer(shout_set_password):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_password')); Pointer(shout_get_password):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_password')); Pointer(shout_set_client_certificate):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_client_certificate')); Pointer(shout_get_client_certificate):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_client_certificate')); Pointer(shout_set_mount):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_mount')); Pointer(shout_get_mount):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_mount')); Pointer(shout_set_name):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_name')); Pointer(shout_get_name):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_name')); Pointer(shout_set_url):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_url')); Pointer(shout_get_url):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_url')); Pointer(shout_set_genre):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_genre')); Pointer(shout_get_genre):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_genre')); Pointer(shout_set_description):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_description')); Pointer(shout_get_description):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_description')); Pointer(shout_set_dumpfile):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_dumpfile')); Pointer(shout_get_dumpfile):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_dumpfile')); Pointer(shout_set_audio_info):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_audio_info')); Pointer(shout_get_audio_info):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_audio_info')); Pointer(shout_set_meta):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_meta')); Pointer(shout_get_meta):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_meta')); Pointer(shout_set_public):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_public')); Pointer(shout_get_public):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_public')); Pointer(shout_set_format):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_format')); Pointer(shout_get_format):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_format')); Pointer(shout_set_protocol):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_protocol')); Pointer(shout_get_protocol):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_protocol')); Pointer(shout_set_nonblocking):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_nonblocking')); Pointer(shout_get_nonblocking):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_get_nonblocking')); Pointer(shout_open):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_open')); Pointer(shout_close):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_close')); Pointer(shout_send):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_send')); Pointer(shout_send_raw):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_send_raw')); Pointer(shout_queuelen):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_queuelen')); Pointer(shout_sync):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_sync')); Pointer(shout_delay):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_delay')); Pointer(shout_set_metadata):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_set_metadata')); Pointer(shout_metadata_new):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_metadata_new')); Pointer(shout_metadata_free):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_metadata_free')); Pointer(shout_metadata_add):=DynLibs.GetProcedureAddress(sh_Handle,PChar('shout_metadata_add')); end; Result := sh_IsLoaded; ReferenceCounter:=1; end; end; *********************** and 2)Recording from the speaker instead from the mic For recording audio i installed latest version from realtek using for finding my driver I use Recording -> Stereo-Mix option The WASAPI option did not worked for me .... (use the output as input ...) |
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