Is UOS compatible with new Mac OS 64 bits systems

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Is UOS compatible with new Mac OS 64 bits systems

I am considering using PortAudio for Mic input in Mac OS.  Is PortAudio still developped for the new 64 bits systems like Mojave, Catalina, etc.
If not can you suggest another mean?
This is in  Lazarus.
Thanks for putting UOS together and maintaining this forum.

In the mean time I will download UOS and start experimenting.

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Re: Is UOS compatible with new Mac OS 64 bits systems

Hello and welcome to uos forum!

> Is PortAudio still developped for the new 64 bits systems like Mojave, Catalina, etc.

Afaik, yes, see:

uos provides binaries of PortAudio for Mac 32 and 64 bit.
They are in /uos/examples/lib/Mac/64bit and /32bit.

I dont have a Mac but many users have good luck with uos and a Mac.

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Re: Is UOS compatible with new Mac OS 64 bits systems

Good I'll give it a try.
Thank you
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Re: Is UOS compatible with new Mac OS 64 bits systems

UOS does a dynamic load of the library.  This means this is loaded at run time Yes ?
Is there a way to have the library included in the exe, so I do not have to distribute the lib file with the exec?
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Re: Is UOS compatible with new Mac OS 64 bits systems

Mac OSX uses bundle for application.

I am not Apple pro but you just have to add the uos libraries in the Ressource-files directory of the bundle.
Those Apple Ressource files can only be loaded by dynamic loading and so does uos.

Maybe you should ask in Apple forum how to create a bundle-application.
In the uos examples, the libraries in the bundle must be in  /UOS/lib (but you may choose a other name for the directory):

{$IFDEF Darwin}
    opath := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
    opath := copy(opath, 1, Pos('/UOS', opath) - 1);
    PA_FileName := opath + '/lib/Mac/32bit/LibPortaudio-32.dylib';
    SF_FileName := opath + '/lib/Mac/32bit/LibSndFile-32.dylib';


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Re: Is UOS compatible with new Mac OS 64 bits systems

OK thank you, I am familiar with the bundle concept.