Mac OSX uses bundle for application. am not Apple pro but you just have to add the uos libraries in the Ressource-files directory of the bundle.
Those Apple Ressource files can only be loaded by dynamic loading and so does uos.
Maybe you should ask in Apple forum how to create a bundle-application.
In the uos examples, the libraries in the bundle must be in /UOS/lib (but you may choose a other name for the directory):
{$IFDEF Darwin}
opath := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
opath := copy(opath, 1, Pos('/UOS', opath) - 1);
PA_FileName := opath + '/lib/Mac/32bit/LibPortaudio-32.dylib';
SF_FileName := opath + '/lib/Mac/32bit/LibSndFile-32.dylib';