Is it possible to listen to the online radio?

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Is it possible to listen to the online radio?

Mp3 from the internet can be played, but internet radio is not anymore.
For example, the problem is with an attempt to reproduce this:

I understand that the code does not support streaming of such radio stations?
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Re: Is it possible to listen to the online radio?

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I am not a expert in internet things.
I went to your radio-site.
In fact it links to a play-list file: listen.pls:


I do not know how pls work, I guess it point to a play list file of mp3.
Sorry, I do not have skill and access to internet to experiment this.
Maybe you have to explore how pls works, catch the good url and play that url with uos.


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Re: Is it possible to listen to the online radio?

File1 =

And this is the address I tried to run in uos.
But it does not work. I thought that something was wrong with me, but after running examples from the example, it turned out that it works for mp3 files. So if I give you the address of an mp3 file in the network, it will work.

And I wanted to use it to create a player for this radio and the same program was to enable radio broadcasting to the network.
Maybe this feature will appear in the future.

Thanks for the answer.