Lazarus UOS and Linux 22.04 Bluetooth Issue

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Lazarus UOS and Linux 22.04 Bluetooth Issue

Gary Messick
Lazarus 2.0.12
FPC 3.2.0
POP_OS 22.04 (Ubuntu 22.04)

My app using UOS works properly playing to my desktop speakers. When I connect to  a bluetooth speaker the app still plays to my speakers. Looking at the sound settings and testing the bluetooth speakers play the left and right correctly on the bluetooth speaker, but the app plays to the computer speakers. Looking at the Volume Levels in Settings, the app does not show in the list.  Running pavucontrol, the app does not show in the playback tab. Therefore, there is no way to direct the my UOS app to play to the bluetooth speaker. I  tried the simpleplayer app in Examples and it performs the same as my program. Any suggestions?
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Re: Lazarus UOS and Linux 22.04 Bluetooth Issue

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Hello Gary and welcome to uos forum.

> When I connect to  a bluetooth speaker the app still plays to my speakers

Hum, I dont have a bluetooth speaker to test.

Maybe you should use the demo /uos/examples/deviceinfos.lpr and see what device is your bluetooth speaker.
And then assign that device (second parameter) to uos_AddIntoDevOut(PlayerIndex1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);

Now how to detect if the device was changed, I dont know.

[EDIT] You may use uos_UpdateDevice(), see here
