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In one application, I send audio over the network.
In the second application I receive the data and save it to a file, the file can be played: $ mplayer -demuxer rawaudio test.wav It works. And now I'm trying to play it on the fly using UOS. No combinations work for me. Fragments of what I am saying can be heard and then it crashes. How to play such a stream on the fly? I use a proprietary component that I use to control the UOS: |
Hello Samuel.
> Fragments of what I am saying can be heard and then it crashes. Could you give the code that you used? Also upload the wav file that you want to play? Fre;D |
This is my code:
Broadcasting data in socket tcp: Create procedure: procedure TFClient.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var v1,v2,v3,v4: integer; begin CreatePipeStreams(muse_out,muse_in); ... (* uos *) if DirectoryExists(MyDir('uos')) then begin uos.Tag:=1; uos.LibDirectory:=MyDir('uos'); end; if uos.Tag=1 then uELED4.Active:=uos.LoadLibrary; ... end; And code to send media for tcp: "A." mic.Start(TMemoryStream(muse_in)); //---> uos_CreatePlayer(xindex); if aMemoryStream=nil then uos_AddIntoFile(xindex,Pchar(FFileName)) else uos_AddIntoMemoryStream(xindex,aMemoryStream,-1,-1,-1,-1); {function uos_AddIntoMemoryStream(PlayerIndex: cint32; MemoryStream: TMemoryStream; SampleRate: LongInt; SampleFormat: LongInt ; Channels: LongInt; FramesCount: LongInt): LongInt; Add a Output into TMemoryStream Parameters: 2. MemoryStream : the TMemoryStream to use to store memory. 3. SampleRate : delault : -1 (44100) 4. SampleFormat : default : -1 (2:Int16) ( 1:Int32, 2:Int16) 5. Channels : delault : -1 (2:stereo) (0: no channels, 1:mono, 2:stereo, ...) 6. FramesCount : default : -1 (= 4096) } outindex:=uos_AddIntoDevOut(xindex); uos_outputsetenable(xindex,outindex,FListenMic); InIndex:=uos_AddFromDevIn(xindex); /// add Input from mic into IN device with default parameters uos_InputAddDSPVolume(xindex,InIndex, 1, 1); uos_InputSetDSPVolume(xindex,InIndex,FVolume,FVolume,True); /// Set volume "B." LOOP SENDING TO SOCKET TCP: procedure TFClient.tloopTimer(Sender: TObject); const BUFFER_SIZE = 65536; var cc,n,i: integer; buf: array [0..BUFFER_SIZE-1] of byte; begin cc:=muse_out.NumBytesAvailable; if cc=0 then exit; if cc>65536 then cc:=65536; n:=muse_out.Read(buf,cc); if n>0 then muse.SendBinary(buf,n); writeln('Sending: ',n); end; And receiver of data in fly: Declaration (private): muse_full: TMemoryStream; muse_in: TOutputPipeStream; muse_out: TInputPipeStream; procedure TFServer.museReceive(aSocket: TLSocket); const BUFFER_SIZE = 65536; var n,i: integer; buf: array [0..BUFFER_SIZE-1] of byte; begin n:=aSocket.Get(buf,BUFFER_SIZE); muse_in.WriteBuffer(buf,n); if (not rozmowa.Busy) and (muse_count=0) then begin play.Start(TMemoryStream(muse_out)); /* Look down */ end; inc(muse_count); end; PLAY.START(...) --> uos_CreatePlayer(xindex); if aMemoryStream=nil then InIndex:=uos_AddFromFile(xindex,Pchar(FFileName)) else if FPlayRawMode then begin uos_CustBufferInfos(Bufferinfos,44100,2,2,-1); InIndex:=uos_AddFromMemoryStreamDec(xindex,aMemoryStream,Bufferinfos,-1,-1); end else InIndex:=uos_AddFromMemoryStream(xindex,aMemoryStream,-1,-1,-1,-1); OutIndex:=uos_AddIntoDevOut(xindex,-1,-1,uos_InputGetSampleRate(xindex,InIndex),uos_InputGetChannels(xindex,InIndex),-1,-1,-1); uos_InputAddDSP1ChanTo2Chan(xindex,InIndex); uos_InputAddDSPVolume(xindex,InIndex,1,1); uos_InputSetDSPVolume(xindex,InIndex,a,a,true); /// Set volume uos_EndProc(xindex,@ClosePlayer); //for cc:=1 to 200 do //begin // sleep(10); // if assigned(FProcessMessage) then FProcessMessage; //end; if FNoFreeOnStop then uos_PlayNoFree(xindex) else uos_Play(xindex); /////// everything is ready to play... end .... |
Hello Fre!
The wav file does not exist. In one application I create a stream from a microphone, in the other I want to receive it. Everything in real time. It seems to me that the indicated stream length is a problem, and here the length is not known. |
Everything is already working!
It turned out I was taking a break too late to load the buffer. When playing with TMemoryStream - it works. I am still wondering if this will work for creating two pipes: muse_in: TOutputPipeStream; muse_out: TInputPipeStream; But I will test it myself, thanks for your help! |
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