> addfromfile
> AssignFile(F, Filename);
> FileMode:=fmOpenRead + fmShareDenyNone; <-- added in
Ok, I will add this in next commit, thanks.
> I would have to create the EQ Bands each time a new song is played on playerindex0?
> if I add custom options Debug, I have several compile errors when targeting win 32.
Like explained in define.inc, debug-mode is allowed only for not-LCL (not-Lazarus) and no GUI Winddows projects.
It will work for console, fpgui and msegui applications.
> {$if defined(cpu64)}
> PlugHandle:= 0;
> {$else}
> PlugHandle:= -1; <-- out of range from type is positive value
> {$ENDIF}
Where did you found that code ?
The code of last commits is:
{$IF DEFINED(windows)}
PlugHandle:= 0;
PlugHandle:= nil;
https://github.com/fredvs/uos/> In debug, tempmemory,outmemory not found
OK, fixed, thanks.