thanks a lot for this great tools.
I'm trying to record an Internet stream in background.
If I try to reduce the output volume it comes to an error:
In Datei 'UOS/uos.pas' in Zeile 3965:
StreamOut[OutputIndex].DSP[DSPVolIndex].Enabled := Enable;Hera is an example:
procedure TForm1.btStartClick(Sender: TObject);
URL: string;
AppDir: string;
Filename: string;
Mpg123Path: string;
PortAudioPath: string;
URL := '
http://stream-uk1.radioparadise.com/mp3-128'; Filename := AppDir + PathDelim + 'Recording.wav';
{$IFDEF Windows}
{$if defined(cpu64)}
PortAudioPath := application.Location + 'lib\Windows\64bit\LibPortaudio-64.dll';
Mpg123Path := application.Location + 'lib\Windows\64bit\LibMpg123-64.dll';
PortAudioPath := application.Location + 'lib\Windows\32bit\LibPortaudio-32.dll';
Mpg123Path := application.Location + 'lib\Windows\32bit\LibMpg123-32.dll';
{$if defined(cpu64) and defined(linux) }
PortAudioPath := application.Location + 'lib/Linux/64bit/LibPortaudio-64.so';
Mpg123Path := application.Location + 'lib/Linux/64bit/LibMpg123-64.so';
{$if defined(cpu86) and defined(linux)}
PortAudioPath := application.Location + 'lib/Linux/32bit/LibPortaudio-32.so';
Mpg123Path := application.Location + 'lib/Linux/32bit/LibMpg123-32.so';
uos_LoadLib(PChar(PortAudioPath), nil, PChar(Mpg123Path), nil, nil, nil);
PlayerIndex := 0;
InputIndex := uos_AddFromURL(PlayerIndex, PChar(URL), -1, -1, -1, -1, True);
OutputIndex := uos_AddIntoDevOut(PlayerIndex);
uos_OutputAddDSPVolume(PlayerIndex, OutputIndex, 1, 1);
uos_OutputSetDSPVolume(PlayerIndex, OutputIndex, 1, 1, True);
// **** The error appears here ***** uos_AddIntoFile(PlayerIndex, PChar(Filename));
Any ideas what to do?