Unable to play aac file

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Unable to play aac file

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Hello Fre;D

If you have some spare time, would you be so kind to investigate why I am unable to play this aac file?
[link removed]
I get and floating point error.

I am able to play it with cvlc but not with libvlc.

Thanks again
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Re: Unable to play aac file

Hello Killerbee.

I have try your aac file with the 3 formats:

 MP4OpenFile(FileName, FAAD_FMT_FLOAT);
 MP4OpenFile(FileName, FAAD_FMT_32BIT);
 MP4OpenFile(FileName, FAAD_FMT_16BIT);
All does not create the stream.
Sadly aac codec does not give any infos why it cannot open the file.

I have loaded your file with Audacity: ok, Audacity can load it.
Then I have saved it with same name.

And... now uos can read it.

Sorry but I cannot help you for this.

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Re: Unable to play aac file

Okay thanks for your time