local build of binaries

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local build of binaries


It is a bit unclear from readme.md what is on offer here.

Is this a laz/fpc wrapper for closed source binaries or are the prebuilt .so files just a convenience?

I looked at the example files and projects and they all use the prebuilt ./lib tree.  

What do I need to do to build and include these in my own project ?

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Re: local build of binaries

Hello and welcome to uos forum.

For your project, you need the libraries in uos/examples/lib according your OS.
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Re: local build of binaries

Thank you for the warm welcome.
so here's what i have done...
Lazarus [Help] run online package manager
find uos package it has been [chk], downloaded, decompressed, and installed , now shows installed
colum shows "yes"
Now where it downloaded and where it decompressed at I have don't know.
Then from Lazarus menu [Package] test walked through to find anything urs
 has no listing any where on any block of notes or list views no reference in any option
nothing of uos anything.
so I copied the code and tryed to  compile
Now asking for any help