Im also saw that this code is commented out for mpg123:
{// problems with mpg123 library
mpg123_id3(StreamIn[x].Data.HandleSt, mpid3v1, @mpid3v2);
// to do : add id2v2
if (mpid3v1 <> nil) and (mpid3v1^ <> nil) then begin
refmpid3v1 := mpid3v1^^;
StreamIn[x].Data.title := trim(refmpid3v1.title);
StreamIn[x].Data.artist := refmpid3v1.artist;
StreamIn[x].Data.album := refmpid3v1.album;
StreamIn[x] := refmpid3v1.year;
StreamIn[x].Data.comment := refmpid3v1.comment;
StreamIn[x].Data.tag := refmpid3v1.tag;
StreamIn[x].Data.genre := refmpid3v1.genre;
Does UOS even read ID3 tags from mp3 files currently? I haven't tried it.
EDIT: Just saw that I was in the wrong function and this is only commented out in the AddfromMemoryStream function.
EDIT2: Ah, but the custom ID3 code also doesn't read the track number tag. Now, I'm not sure, if this tag has some different structure to it than the other tags.