New future member in uos family : Pcaudio

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New future member in uos family : Pcaudio

Pcaudio lib is a **very** small ( < 15 k !) audio-output (like Portaudio) library compatible with Linux,
FreeBSD, Windows, Mac OS and Android.

It is part of the espeak-ng project and the **excellent** news that Martin from MSE forks this interesting part of
espeak-ng and updated the code to make Pcaudio works even on old Windows

There is a Pascal wrapper for this library with a fpc sine-wave console demo:

You are welcome to test it and your advices are **very** welcome.

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Re: New future member in uos family : Pcaudio

This post was updated on .

Welcome to PCaudio in the uos familly!

uos_pcaudio.pas was tested and committed...
Added too binary of PCaudiolib for Win64/32 and Linux 64/32.

You may try it with uos_AddIntoDevOut() ---> added last parameter TypeLibrary.

 function uos_AddIntoDevOut(PlayerIndex: cint32; Device: cint32; Latency: CDouble;
  SampleRate: cint32; Channels: cint32; SampleFormat: cint32 ;
   FramesCount: cint32 ; ChunkCount: cint32 ; TypeLibrary : cint8): cint32;

// TypeLibrary : default : -1 (default = Portaudio) (Portaudio = 0, PCaudio = 1)

For convenience, uos_AddIntoDevOut() without TypeLibrary parameter is still there (and will use Portaudio).

Also function  uos_LoadLib() has a new parameter: PCAudioFileName.

 uos_LoadLib(PortAudioFileName, PCAudioFileName, SndFileFileName, Mpg123FileName, Mp4ffFileName, FaadFileName, opusfileFileName: PChar) : cint32;

For convenience, uos_LoadLib() without PCAudioFileName parameter is still there (and will set PCAudioFileName to nil).

Till now, only SimplePlayerMSE demo is implemented with the choice of the library to use.
Asap, it will be done for other examples.

PS: PCaudiolib can deal only with output-devices (not input like mic but it is on work) ...
       Also PCaudiolib cannot give infos about the devices (at the moment).
       If you need input and info device, you should use Portaudio.


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Re: New future member in uos family : Pcaudio

Oooops... PCaudiolib is not LGPL licensed (only GPL).

So it could not be part of uos familly.

I removed all code referring to PCaudiolib in uos.

You may still use PCaudiolib with uos but your applications must be GPL licensed too.
Here are source + demos using uos: 
