Hello and welcome to uos forum.
> have a problem with the Multiinput.lpi example (from the Examples directory).
I just try it now and all the input are playing.
Note that in that demo, only libsndfile is loaded (to play wav, ogg, flac files).
> - Is it possible to play several sounds simultaneously in one Player in Mp3 format (using LibMpg123-32.dll)?
If you want to play mp3, you need to load also libmpg123 library.
It is done in line 312 of main_mi.pas with : uos_loadlib():
//function uos_loadlib(PortAudioFileName, SndFileFileName, Mpg123FileName,
// Mp4ffFileName, FaadFileName, opusfilefilename: PChar) : LongInt;
So in line 312, you should change 3th parameter with the dir+filename of lib mpg123:
if uos_LoadLib(PChar(edit1.Text), PChar(edit2.Text), PChar(filename_libmpg123), nil, nil, nil) = 0 then
> - How to control which file (in case of several files loaded into one Player with different InputIndex) is currently played?
Please take a look at multiinput demo, there is the volume-slider and checkbox enable-disable.