Record mic input to memory buffer

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Record mic input to memory buffer

First to all thanks for the great job in the ous lib,
It's possible to save the mic input into a memory buffer with out write a file to process latter for show graphics and freq levels for example?.
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Re: Record mic input to memory buffer


> It's possible to save the mic input into a memory buffer with out write a file

Yes it is possible, you may use uos_AddIntoMemoryBuffer() and then do what you want with the memory-buffer.

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Re: Record mic input to memory buffer


There is also uos_File2Buffer() to create a buffer from a file.

You may take a look at consoleplaymemorybuffer.lpi demo, it shows how to use uos_AddFromMemoryBuffer().

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Re: Record mic input to memory buffer

Hola fred gracias por la respuesta, la idea es grabar la entrada del microphono en un buffer o una memoria sin escribir un archivo para luego procesar los datos con la maxima rapides posible, como dije para reconocimiento de voz o un programa de texto a voz, podrias modificar el ejemplo de simplerecorder para grabar a un buffer y no a un archivo y luego poder reproducir desde esta memoria?

El lun., 10 sept. 2018 a las 10:42, fredvs [via uos] (<[hidden email]>) escribió:

There is also uos_File2Buffer() to create a buffer from a file.

You may take a look  at consoleplaymemorybuffer.lpi demo, it shows how to use uos_AddFromMemoryBuffer().


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Re: Record mic input to memory buffer

This post was updated on .
> odrias modificar el ejemplo de simplerecorder

  outmemory: TDArFloat;

   uos_AddIntoMemoryBuffer(PlayerIndex1, outmemory);


  uos_Stop(PlayerIndex1); ---> para completar la grabación.

   ==> esto creará el buffer outmemory que puedes usar más adelante con uos_AddFromMemoryBuffer().


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Re: Record mic input to memory buffer


No olvides usar uos_stop(PlayerIndex1) al final de la grabación en el ejemplo anterior.

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Re: Record mic input to memory buffer


In last commit 7038e41 was added uos_CustBufferInfos() needed for AddFromMemoryBuffer() if no bufferinfos was created.

So, to audio-play the buffer you did save with uos_AddIntoMemoryBuffer(PlayerIndex1, outmemory);


infomemory : Tuos_BufferInfos;

// SampleFormat and Channels must be the one used in outmemory.
 uos_CustBufferInfos(infomemory, 44100, SampleFormat, Channels, Length(infomemory) div Channels);

 uos_AddFromMemoryBuffer(PlayerIndex1,outmemory,infomemory, -1, 1024);



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Re: Record mic input to memory buffer

Thanks Fred i try with it and comment here my progress

El lun., 10 sept. 2018 a las 15:31, fredvs [via uos] (<[hidden email]>) escribió:

In last commit 7038e41 was added uos_CustBufferInfos() needed for AddFromMemoryBuffer() if no bufferinfos was created.

So, to audio-play the buffer you did save with uos_AddIntoMemoryBuffer(PlayerIndex1, outmemory);


infomemory : Tuos_BufferInfos;

// SampleFormat and Channels must be the one used in outmemory.
 uos_CustBufferInfos(infomemory, 44100, SampleFormat, Channels, Length(infomemory) div Channels);

 uos_AddFromMemoryBuffer(PlayerIndex1,outmemory,infomemory, -1, 1024);




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Re: Record mic input to memory buffer


There was a bug in AddIntoMemoryBuffer() fixed in last uos commit b296550.
Sorry for this.

I have tested SimpleRecorder demo using AddIntoMemoryBuffer().

Here how to do.

Add this global variables:

  thebuffer : array of cfloat;
  thebufferinfos : TuosF_BufferInfos;

And at recording:

Change this:

 uos_AddIntoFile(PlayerIndex1, Pchar(filenameEdit4.filename));
With this:

 SetLength(thebuffer, 0);
 uos_AddIntoMemoryBuffer(PlayerIndex1, @thebuffer);

And at playing:

Change this:

 In1Index := uos_AddFromFile(PlayerIndex1, Pchar(filenameedit4.FileName));
with this:
 uos_CustBufferInfos(thebufferinfos, 44100, 2, 2 ,Length(thebuffer) div 2);
 In1Index := uos_AddFromMemoryBuffer(PlayerIndex1,thebuffer,thebufferinfos, -1, 1024*4);

Here it works.

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Re: Record mic input to memory buffer


Hi fred, sorry for delay to response but I am make several tests with you suggestions and It work, the code save the mic in the buffer but when i play it the noise is to much, i dont not  why, here is a example projet, please test and tell me what is wrong (366K) Download Attachment
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Re: Record mic input to memory buffer

Hello Segator.

Segator wrote
please test and tell me what is wrong
Hum, indeed there was a problem with uos.

Could you try with last uos-commit 1a714fd..be2c0a3 ?
It must be fixed now.

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Re: Record mic input to memory buffer


Thanks Fred its work fine now.

off topic: I make some search to find a libportaudio for android and casually see that you find for that, so me question is in what point is the the libportaudio and ous android support?

El sep 12, 2018 2:28 AM, "fredvs [via uos]" <[hidden email]> escribió:
Hello Segator.

Segator wrote
please test and tell me what is wrong
Hum, indeed there was a problem with uos.

Could you try with last uos-commit 1a714fd..be2c0a3 ?
It must be fixed now.


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Re: Record mic input to memory buffer

Segator wrote
Thanks Fred its work fine now.
Nice !

In last commit was added uos_AddIntoMemoryBuffer() with extended parameters.

If you have problems of sound-quality/latency, you may try to use uos_AddIntoMemoryBuffer() with extended parameters.

And mainly adapt the "FramesCount" parameter.

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Re: Record mic input to memory buffer

In reply to this post by Segator
Segator wrote
off topic: I make some search to find a libportaudio for android and casually see that you find for that, so me question is in what point is the the libportaudio and ous android support?

I did some test but without luck.

If you have more success, please share it.
