I am happy to announce that StrumPract 1.4 is released.
StrumPract is various tools for musicians.
- Learn to play drums set in 4 lessons and develop your art.
- Practice your other instruments with a editable drums machine.
- Tune your guitar and bass.
- Play audio files and loop it.
- DJ console for mixing, with 2 players and direct-output of mic.
- Record your ideas-jam.
There are compiled executables for Linux 32/64, Windows 32/64, FreeBSD 64
and arm RPi.
All is included in the release, nothing to install.
Here video of StrumPract-layout:
strumpract_demo.mp4StrumPract as DJ:

StrumPract as background player:

StrumPract as doing all together:

You may download the release from here:
https://github.com/fredvs/strumpract/releases/And the source from there:
https://github.com/fredvs/strumpract/Enjoy ;-)